Tag: campfire

4 Things To Do While You’re At Home

The first day of spring is here and no one imagined spending most of Spring at home but here we are. To help with boredom here are some activities you can do while at home!

Indoor camping

If you’re stuck at home with kids struggling for ideas to keep them occupied then indoor camping might be the way forward.

  • get the snacks and drinks – hot chocolate is a good choice
  • Make some games – cards, board games or treasure hunt
  • You can use a tent or make one out of bedsheets and blankets
  • Make sure to fill the tent with blankets and pillows so its extra comfy

smoreIndoor S’mores

To fit with your indoor camping why not make some food to enjoy! S’mores are the best treat to have while camping. Grab some crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate and you are ready to go. Check out our other blog all about S’more and other yummy ingredients you can use.


Being inside for most of the day isn’t fun so bring some of the outside inside by taking up gardening!

Start easy with some herbs like basil, rosemary or mint, make sure you don’t overwater them and they have adequate drainage. Another idea is making your own terrarium, this is a collection of small decorative indoor plants that created by you is one of a kind. You can buy kits to help you get started then once you’ve got the gist you can experiment with other decorative elements.

If you do have access to a garden then go to town with herbs, vegetables or flowers. Did you know using Firemizer in your wood burner creates finer ash. This can be used in your garden or for composting.

CinemaMovie Night

Who doesn’t love watching a film!  So why not make it more memorable than just sitting on the sofa. Create your own cinema, get some sweets and popcorn, set up a comfy, cosy seating area full of blankets and pillows and you’re ready to go. Don’t forget the films though!

What drinks can you make over a campfire?

What better way to make the most of your campfire than bringing some home comforts to the outdoors! 

Traditional Campfire Coffee Recipe

  • First, place six teaspoons of ground coffee into the camping coffee pot and then pour three pints of cold water over the coffee grounds.
  • Place the coffee pot on the fire and bring to a boil.
  • Once boiled, take the pot off the heat and allow it too steep for approximately three minutes.
  • To make the coffee more delicious, try adding three or four spoons of cold water to the liquid after steeping to settle the coffee grounds.

smoreThe Campfire Percolator Coffee Pot

This campfire coffee recipe is the most common method for making campfire coffee.

  • Add one to two tablespoons of coarsely ground coffee for every six ounces of water.
  • To avoid having coffee grounds in your mixture, it is recommended that you poke a hole in the coffee filter and place it in the perk basket.
  • Watch the percolator until the mixture turns a coffee color because the longer the coffee percolates, the stronger it will become.

Campfire hot chocolate

  • Mix the dry ingredients at home, Cocoa powder, sugar, cinnamon, and salt.
  • Heat milk in a camp coffee pot or saucepan over low heat. 
  • As the milk begins to heat add 2 tablespoons of the cocoa mix to the bottom of your mug.
  • Then top with 1 cup of warmed milk and stir until combined.
  • Why not add some toasted marshmallows into your hot chocolate

Cooking Tip: Using whole milk for this recipe will make it nice and creamy. Or you can use an alternative milk option like soya milk or coconut milk, it’s perfect with hot chocolate.

Cooking Tip: Don’t scald the milk, heat it slowly

cooking tip: Don’t forget to use Firemizer on your campfire. this will help distribute the heat for an even burn.

Campfire Cocktail


  • Bulleit bourbon
  • Malt whiskey
  • Marshmallow syrup
  • Caster sugar
  • Mini marshmallows
  • To make the syrup, boil the marshmallows with 500ml water. Once they have dissolved, add the sugar and stir to dissolve this until fully combined. 
  • Stir all ingredients over ice and serve with a toasted marshmallow (optional).

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