Tag: recycles

America Recycles Day

America Recycles Day:

On Wednesday, the Environmental Protection Agency recognized the nation’s advancement towards creating a cleaner, brighter and more sustainable future with regards to recycling. EPA emphasized the positive impact that this attitude has had towards employment, the economy and most importantly, the environment. Instead of generating a collective groan like a recycled joke would receive, recycling waste products actually reduces the space needed in landfills and amounts of harmful gases created by incinerators. This leaves the country’s landscape unharmed whilst also aiding the economy through the creation of jobs within the recycling industry.

Firemizer fits as comfortably into this celebration as comfortably as it fits beneath any solid fuel fire or stove. With cardboard packaging and zero product waste left behind, it is the perfect companion product to this holiday. By slowing the airflow and allowing the fire to conduct more evenly, Firemizer increases the lifespan of the fire by over a third whilst reducing excess creosote tars by 57% and air particulates by 72%.


Firebuilder is a kerosene-free, 100% recycled-cardboard fire-starter that doubles as kindling. When used with sister-product Firemizer, getting the most out of your fire or stove has never been easier. This means a warm evening by the fire is made even warmer with the knowledge that you’re saving the planet (as well as money).

There are plenty of other ways to help out the environment and reduce your carbon footprint.

For example;

  • Using energy-efficient light bulbs is another bright idea to save money on energy bills
  • Double-sided printing can cut down on paper consumption
  • Using leftover coffee grounds (or the excess stove ash) as compost can help if your garden needs a boost.

Celebrate America Recycles Day by doing your part in keeping the planet clean and green!

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